Beautiful one. This is a small check in and a share from what I witness within myself as the old skin falls away, layer by layer until there is no longer a barrier between me and Love.
Another Me
~The 50 year old woman who has spent her life in a wheel chair getting her diaper changed, while her mind shines clear with the light of God is stronger than me.
And she is another me.
The single mother praying to the Mother for faith and sustenance as her crying babes clutch to her breasts is stronger than me.
And she is another me
The elder couple tending their differently abled son as their life’s seva is stronger than me.
And they are another me
Their son choosing this life to let others serve his every need and therefore find their way back to God, is stronger than me.
And he is another me
Any one that opens themselves to fully receive without story, identity or shame is stronger than me.
And they another me
The woman dressed in white who just served 1000s of people full plates of food, including me, with incorruptible compassion in her heart regardless of caste or culture, is stronger than me.
And she is another me.
I am stronger than my beloved sister with Botox pouting her lips and silicone in her breasts, until the day comes that she finds forgiveness and therefore love for herself.
And she is another me.
I am stronger than the popular prophet who pushes himself onto the seeker, misleading her to fall at the feet of a false God.
And he is another me.
I am stronger than the worldwide band of brothers who seek power in possessions, suffocating the cry of Love’s call to arms wherein the path of the true warrior resides.
And they are another me.
I am stronger than every position of “power” that chooses war over people, peace and the planet.
And they are another me.~
Love is a choice. Peace is a choice. Hate is a choice. War is a choice. Poverty is a choice. Famine is a choice. The wound of separation is a choice.
The separation lives within the war inside the mind, turning the heart dark when it was sent to illuminate the path home for ourselves where we become a light for others. Your healing matters. It is why you are here. Under the weight of this blessed journey lives your bounty.
We all carry the torch of First Light inside, and we all contain the hand trembling to take hold and lead the way. Compassion is the balm for the shaking lies not wanting loosen their grip and die.
What you turn towards is the what you become. And since we are all a necessary stitch in the fabric of life, if fear is the driving force behind the choice than we weave something that can never blanket the children from the cold.
The heart will always choose what brings about Love for all. Love is not a nebulous fluff, a hallmark card, a naive apparition disembodied from its Source. It is power beyond comprehension. It is Life itself. It will destroy you if you are fortunate enough, and leave you with nothing but the pure essence of Silence. It is here you will know that nothing is not you and only then can the war you see upon the land transform into a paradise before your eyes.
Separation is an illusion my love, that overshadows the regenerative elixirs of compassion, gratitude and forgiveness. These forces are fertilizer for true abundance.
The power of an illuminated mind is the medicine we need for these times. The fears within each of us feed the war machine and we all are all a critical cog on the Wheel.
You can begin with the practice of seeing yourself in everything, including and foremost the Sun. This is most vital for survival as it opens the clogged channels to fully feel your life.
You may feel flattened under fear and the overwhelming sound of pain on the planet. But know this to your core in this moment. Only in the presence of true divine love will the machine quake and roar as its deceptions, illusions and lies are exposed by the Light.
So, as we witness the dankest of dark shadows rise to the surface, and you feel the Earth rumble below all of the lost feet and the skies split to soothe the fires with so many tears that the waters rise to take back what was always freely given, try to find the truth inside -that only in the presence of God will the dark night fight for its life and resound a battle cry that will try to terrify you. Any sound that tenses the heart carries no power and contains no meaning, until it is given by you. You choose.
You, reading these words, letting them in, turning away, going about your business the same way another day because tomorrow you will change, not doing that thing, loving your life, crying at night, not wanting to let go, hurting yourself again, hurting another, distraught with pain, dancing in love, leaving someone you have outgrown, being brave, leaving someone because you are afraid, being human, feeding your children, seeking home, finding your way, falling on your face, eating dirt and tasting your birth…
You- are another me.
“What is visible is the infinite. What is invisible is also the infinite. Out of the Infinite Being the finite has come. Yet being infinite only infinite remains.”
A prayer for peace. Excuse the rough and very short recording and lovely back up singers. I barely do this Shanti Mantra service.
I love you for reading and being here. Blessings from the Temple.
Shira-ji (as they call me here) Starfire
Pranams, Shiraji. "Any one that opens themselves to fully receive without story, identity or shame is stronger than me." YES. Keep singing, sharing, breathing Her in. Maa bless, Maa bless. Please give my Love to India. ♥️
Thank you, Shiraji, another me. All we. Singing six + hours/day here in Goa, in love in mother India. Jai ma 🌿