Hello friend! The audio version above holds extra footage, brave moments and little human blunders if it serves you. It is a worthy listen ;). Thank you for being with me today.
~As a writer, or simply a human with a voice and a big heart, I sit with the pressing question of whether or not I am obligated in some way to lend another sound to the cacophony of noise out there.
Is the Circle asking for my voice or is it time to sit back and watch, wait, trust that all that I am going to say, will be said. When do I step up or step back?
Our voice is our strongest medicine and greatest weapon. Words cast spells and vibrational frequencies, that greatly impact the material plane- beginning with and most importantly our body/mind.
I know that when I don’t speak what feels like it’s burning a hole in my heart it’s like that Audre Lorde quote~
I share here what my body and senses tell me about this moment from my own lived experiences. As I speak, know that I value where you sit right now. I want you to be tangled up with your own gods and stand inside your own wisdoms derived from your lived experiences.
I am not asking you to agree with me on anything. I hope you disagree in a way, and stand in your own hard won feelings about it all long enough to travel them to their root. I hope you’re willing to honor them, yet stay malleable enough to listen to the wider field over the narrow confines that our emotions and patterns of subconscious defense can entrap us within.
~I am not dismayed by the political outcome, and no I did not cast my vote for the newly elected president. The fire that burns in me to speak does not rise out of an opposition to, or fear of, our current political climate. I am sparked alive by the potential of this moment, the awakening that is beckoning us and the great invitation into the deeper mysteries and psychological imprints that govern our lives.
This moment presents a tremendous opportunity to understand power- mostly personal and collective power, which is the training ground for learning and connecting again with sources of true power.
The shadow has been exposed for its valuable lessons if we allow ourselves to quiet the noise within to understand its message.
The collective spoke and that collective includes all of us. The majority of the people, regardless of which camp they rest their head, cast their vote from a place of fear and opposition. And the stronger, more built up opposition was based in a grandiose hate campaign against the big T. This fueled his fire and gave him tremendous power. There was much less unified vision, intelligent listening and true prayers for peace and unification.
The accessory shadows around the blasphemous use of the term “divine feminine” and the lotus flower symbol in this whole campaign didn’t help (If any of my mythology, symbology, archetype nerds are reading this then you will know what I mean.)
Peace is not something to fight for, it is something to rest into. The Divine Feminine would never place herself on a pulpit of fear and division to gain power. To dawn the markings of a sacred symbol requires proper initiation into its teachings and the Lotus path is the labyrinth less traveled. Ahem.
I will temper and return to center, to what matters beyond the unhelpful banter.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."~ Margaret Meade
When there is action and intention in alignment with a true prayer and a strong vision within a minority, that amplifying energy can trump a larger body of systemic incongruence. And that did not happen and we get to look at why.
Natural law states that what we resist persists-what we feed grows. The people hold the power, always have, through their thoughts, beliefs and actions -period. This moment shines light on this through the only way it could, and it is perfect.
Our attention is worth way more than gold and why it is heavily manipulated. Understanding this can be the beginning of empowerment. Where we point our awareness shapes our lives. And because the subconscious carries more unpacked emotional charge and shadow- until we see it, feel it, come together around and take responsibility for our part within it, we cannot heal it.
If a group of humans amplifying fear can create what we see, imagine what a group of humans amplifying love from a place of a unified vision and the human capacity for great imagination, which is the greater power, can achieve. And I do believe that is happening because another law at play in a dual system is the law of opposites. Great fear on the planet points to another, equal and opposite force, shining its light. Discernment and choice is all that keeps us from seeing this opposite force in action.
The deeper shadow to address, the one hardest to admit, that can only be accessed when each of us does an honest inventory of our inner lives, is that we may say we want change, peace and unity but few within the population do. This is a subconscious choice in most. Our patterns and defense structures are strong but not concretized.
Change is threatening and takes a level of self loving work and a commitment to dance with the unknown with two left feet for awhile until the old patterns begin to break, ease up and flow along with the river of life. That requires a level of faith that can only come from reorienting our lives towards a more spiritual, holistic, expanded mindset.
This is why we continue to project that change making onto external complexes and people, it feels easier to control the external rather than face what’s living inside. I will say from experience, resistance against what is, plus the effort emitted trying to control the outside world for change, demands tremendous energy and is a grave depletion of personal power. Many will experience this depletion in actual exhaustion, heightened anxiety and disease.
True change takes place at the individual level and becoming that which we wish to see in the world. I do believe that most humans truly want peace in their hearts, good for thy neighbor, safety for their children, care for the Earth and are generous and genius. But our wounds hijack that true innate goodness until they are flushed out.
To do this we need one another like never before. We need each voice to sing, but more importantly all ears to open. To hear another’s voice all the way to the root, regardless of what is being said, is profound medicine for reunification that points to an individual who is unified within themselves. This is where change begins.
Listening is an art that many indigenous cultures who lived with a more reciprocal mindset spent their lives cultivating through specific rituals and self care practices. The internal noise was the first portal to walk through so that the Universal language of right relationship could be learned. A stillness at the center of the soul was established showing that the individual understood the true nature of their being while respecting their boundaries and capacities in a human form amongst many other life forms.
Do you know that the Wind speaks a language and if met with open awareness, respect and listening can be a great guide -as can all of the allies living within the natural wonders of the Earth and the silent, yet alive, space between.
I imagine you do realize that the greatest threat we are facing beyond the wars and division between us, even the division in our own hearts which is where all division starts, is the fact that our Mother Earth that feeds and houses us and all of our other than human brethren, is at a critical point of losing the resources to sustain any diversity of life. I know you know, it’s impossible not to feel this.
My prayer is that you might entertain, just a little, that this moment might hold more love than the terror we face. That the Mother does not want her babies burned up in war or the fires that erupt from her body from an imbalance in consciousness on the planet. But if this is the only way for Her children to wake up then so be it. All that dies shall be reborn.
The thing is the Earth knows exactly what is needed for the healing of Her body and Her children, but we’ve silenced Her voice by silencing the ears within ourselves capable of hearing it.
The support to awaken that listening, to face and shift this reality is not going to come from the very structures that were a large part of creating it. I am not saying do away with what we have built entirely. That would be intolerable for the collective nervous system to rip off the band aid so dramatically, but it needs an evolution of heart and that comes through the hearts of the people.
Without a connection to the divine, and honoring whatever that means to each person, we will continue to outsource our power and remain vulnerable to pardigms of fear waiting to feed on that leak. Without a connection to our prayer, our first unifying language, we fill our minds and hearts with noise and divisive voices that will continue to amplify a different message than our intention.
Everything we need for these moments lives within us. It is divined and it is so. We are the medicine we seek. Living at the center of a good prayer again enlivens this wisdom and strengthens us to face extraordinary challenge in a way that doesn’t exacerbate fear and continue to create haphazard, unsustainable solutions that negate the beauty and inclusion of all life.
Within the architecture of a good prayer lives a soul retrieval, a spirit revival, a humbling of the hubris at the feet of creation to know thy creator and therefore thyself, a timeless song that inspires each of us to sing the one note we came to carry. By design it includes the well-being of the other, which is the seat of its power, and the most critical, revolutionary space of silence in which the Divine resides.
The prayer is an oath of alignment with all that supports our being here. With devotion, it eventually chisels away the doubting mind to reveal the gold nugget of profound gratitude for the realization that you have never needed to grovel for Love. We will still be human with human pain, but with a posture of prayer to rest into. And you won’t know that it is there to catch you until you try. Start with a deep breath of pure awareness, try two- see what happens. I will breathe with you.
If we pray for peace we must turn toward what cultivates peace. If we want the children to be fed, turn toward what feeds the children. If we want unity, turn toward and learn from places of diversity that thrive on differences, if we want change, we must trust letting go and that is as simple as observing a big old leafy tree.
When we do this radical turning toward a greater vision together we can hold one another in the massive wobbles that will threaten each and every ego structure within us as we begin to reawaken the inborn blueprint of natural law and reciprocity again. It takes a village praying it out together.
We can do this. I have seen mountains move with the unobstructed intention of Love in action. I have sat at the Lotus feet of true power and witnessed humanitarian efforts unparalleled to any in history while the children around the table are fed. I know what is possible through the reclaiming of a good prayer followed through.
I wish that we could stand together for a moment with our bare feet upon the Earth, breathe and pray to what we love. And this is my best shot in this moment- this screen attempting to capture the translation of my heart’s prayer for what’s possible.
And so it is. Blessed be. Amen, amen, amen and a little woman. Namaste. Aho. Aaahhhhhhh…..
In service~ Shira Starfire
I also think that regardless of what we name it, or how we construe it, there is great energy now. An upwelling of pure change-energy. There is, as you say, so much potential in this moment! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and heart. ❤️
Fantastic personal offering and expression. Lots of good wisdom in here. "I am sparked alive by the potential of this moment, the awakening that is beckoning us and the great invitation into the deeper mysteries and psychological imprints that govern our lives."
Me, too. I'm invigorated by this moment. Let's see what happens in this field of change, power, and old meets new meets me meets you.
Beautiful writing.