When I almost lost my life in late 2011 a shepherding hand yanked me from where I was to the path I walk now. The first stop along this path was the healing of my womb.
I had suffered hypothalamic amenorrhea for over 10 years, meaning no period. Deep down I knew this was a devastation to my body, a disconnection from something primary and vital for my thriving. Within months of this major turn around in 2012 I was on a track to studying the deep feminine mysteries. Within 2 years I was an initiated womb healer, handed the ancient practices of Mayan Abdominal Massage and spiritual healing through Dr. Rosita Arvigo in Belize. In that time my period returned and the voice of my womb began to follow.
The Grandmother’s songs, the Mother’s teachings, the fire of Life burning through me again, begin to melt away the indoctrinations that had my womb in chastity for generations.
My womb guides me as it houses the blueprint of all life, and knows my predestined part in the great life story because it created it. When I am in tune, regaining trust in this voice, I re-pattern this within the collective womb, it ripples to the children.
This is why working with women, supporting women in healing their wombs is primary in all my work. Even my work with men includes the language of the womb as we are all of the womb, currently breathe within a womb and have access to this voice within us because of this interconnected wisdom. However, women are the gatekeepers of this wisdom. It’s why, when you dig into the history of healing, women were the leaders, the shamans and head priestesses of their societies.
It was my womb that then guided me to a teacher to learn the art of breath to better understand the wisdom it contains when accessed with awareness. The breath is the “amniotic fluid” of life on Earth, it is the first contact with the Mother Womb when we enter this realm as humans for our mother’s womb. The breath catalyzes life and I have seen it do more for healing than plants in some cases.
But oh the plants!- that sprout from and are in upmost service to the womb, my kin. My love affair with Tobacco that keeps teaching me how to pray and Rose, the great teacher of boundaries and love, oh I tingle thinking of the magic fungi, and take a deep bow to Madre Ayahuasca and Grandfather Hauchuma for blasting the blindfold off. Mother Womb gives her children the medicine they need to heal. And in this healing we re-pattern some of the most nefarious and toxic conditions of our time that I am in service to repairing.
But all of this- every bit of this path- has only come by way of a prayer. A true prayer that I told from the depth of my soul in that moment of crisis in 2011, of almost losing the most precious gift.
Prayer is our first language, a direct conversation with God and teaches us the art of trust, faith, devotion. I have prayed every single day, with conscious awareness, since my resurrection in 2011. It’s a holy lexicon to reclaim as it creates a direct intimacy with Life. The answers to our prayers come through our ability to listen to the voice of the Womb, of our deep intuition, of our hearts and souls- call it what you may- to the voice of God.
This is why women were trusted oracles for this voice until jealous and destructive powers silenced them. Women awakening this voice, trusting they are guided by Life to do Life’s good work is critical to the healing of the whole. Each woman who heals this first language in herself, heals her family merely by allowing her relationship to God, to Womb, to nourish and guide her. It is a return to understanding that we are abundant fountains simply by being. Life wants to flow through us-period. ;)
Returning to living from our wombs, from our center, takes time and tools. The paradox is, of course, you are perfect and whole now- and….
All of this is why I created this powerful 3-month container 4 years ago. It has evolved as I have evolved. It is packed with all of these wisdoms I have humbly inherited. It is taught through the most powerful formation we as women can constellate as on Earth- the Circle. We need each other’s stories and medicine to remember together. I have only seen women change their lives from this 3-month journey back to WOMB CONSCIOUSNESS
I am deeply honored, filled with fire, ready to share, teach and tend this flame again.
I am only accepting 9 women. Please share with women you feel need this level of support and immersive healing at this time. It is a commitment as it is a ceremonial space.
I LOVE. That’s all I can say. I have been gifted with the ability to share it in these teachings that many hands have made so. I pray the Mother moves through me in a way that serves this Circle in the best way possible. I bow to the teachers that filled my medicine basket with these tools along my path.
Blessed Be, Shira Starfire.
Amen to that I agree
Now’s the time. Blessings for this group and those lucky women!