I relate very strongly to this post. At the age of 70, I have only recently stopped looking at my profile to assure myself that my stomach was not too big. The amount of damage I have done to myself over this issue has been insane. I have known women who have died of anorexia and I believe I just met another woman so damaged by what she can and cannot eat that she is paper thin and her daughter won't eat in front of her. My own daughter was purging for a while and the guilt I felt for this was painful to say the least. I know the battle with engaging in relationships that feel based on my looks/sexuality and the self doubt that is debilitating. Finally, at this time in my life, I believe that man who says he loves me for ME because my looks are definitely not the sexual siren of yesteryear. It is a relief. Thanks for this article.
i am so grateful to discover your articulation that comes from a deep well of full spectrum lived experience i can feel - feeling connected to this web of sisterhood wisdom beyond time through your words <3 soaking it in thank you
your work is extraordinary ~ thank you for speaking from MY heart, lol... these truths of being a woman, pretty or not, somewhere in between... the challenge of loving men and wondering what the fu* is going ON with them? Are there ANY men to be with for me? But not hanging my joy on that either... Proud to have stepped away from something others would think was good enough, no compromise of my own soul just to be with someone... my own tendrils here ~ thanks for writing yours xoxoxo
Thank you Sally. It is such a deep traverse into our souls as women to understand how the mechanism travels into our daily actions. A worthy journey and one we need one another on as many women won't discuss this material because of the daunting implications self honesty can beget. Keep on loving yourself deep- it's the boldest action. much love Shira
I relate very strongly to this post. At the age of 70, I have only recently stopped looking at my profile to assure myself that my stomach was not too big. The amount of damage I have done to myself over this issue has been insane. I have known women who have died of anorexia and I believe I just met another woman so damaged by what she can and cannot eat that she is paper thin and her daughter won't eat in front of her. My own daughter was purging for a while and the guilt I felt for this was painful to say the least. I know the battle with engaging in relationships that feel based on my looks/sexuality and the self doubt that is debilitating. Finally, at this time in my life, I believe that man who says he loves me for ME because my looks are definitely not the sexual siren of yesteryear. It is a relief. Thanks for this article.
i am so grateful to discover your articulation that comes from a deep well of full spectrum lived experience i can feel - feeling connected to this web of sisterhood wisdom beyond time through your words <3 soaking it in thank you
your work is extraordinary ~ thank you for speaking from MY heart, lol... these truths of being a woman, pretty or not, somewhere in between... the challenge of loving men and wondering what the fu* is going ON with them? Are there ANY men to be with for me? But not hanging my joy on that either... Proud to have stepped away from something others would think was good enough, no compromise of my own soul just to be with someone... my own tendrils here ~ thanks for writing yours xoxoxo
Thank you Sally. It is such a deep traverse into our souls as women to understand how the mechanism travels into our daily actions. A worthy journey and one we need one another on as many women won't discuss this material because of the daunting implications self honesty can beget. Keep on loving yourself deep- it's the boldest action. much love Shira
So deep, so much.
Clincher for me is your clear seeing and relaying at the end:
Not necessary to wait for any man or any individual to see this, to know the truth, to be free. It is done, in the here and now.
Brava. 💕
Thank you Erin. It was not the easiest piece to write and thus it's in the world. Free to be...
It's huge. Blessings of Yule to you.