On some level I intuitively felt the need to step out of the way of dealing with illness and living in order to heal. In December of 2023 I was told I probably have cancer. After a few weeks of family and myself freaking out, my body let me know how to proceed and I definitely got the message that I was not going to define this dis-ease, only live within what is around me now. I adopted a 'saying'- don't pet the sweaty stuff-and life is so much easier on so many levels. I dance with the possible area of cancer when I do my yoga, by sending light and qi to the area, and then go about my life without letting the diagnosis define me-or even spending energy trying to define it or 'treat' it. So far, this has made my life better in so many ways. What comes is what is meant to be and it's all a dance. Thank you for your wisdom.

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Oh my sister. It has been such an honor witnessing your journey for so many years. and thank you for always using your voice and supporting "my work". I love you Jillster!!!

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Hi Beautiful! This, is so close to how I feel. I do not need to know anyone to love them or their being. As humans, we have so many choices in our lives, sometimes positive, some not so much. I choose to not have judgement on those choices. As a Universal Being, my heart will send unconditional love. Our path doesn't start or stop with this lifetime. Learning and raising our energy levels to heal ourselves and all beings and situations by sending out unconditional love is what can and will change our planet and inhabitants for the better. I am aware that these are my thoughts, which are pretty simplistic. Praying for your healing and sending unconditional love to you. Hugs. Namaste.

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dearest Shira this is my favorite piece you have ever written...it contains all the unknowns and sweaty nights and breathtaking dawns you have labored through these past few months. You have articulated the manifesto for those of us out of words, ready for the dance. xoxox

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I love all of this and I especially relate to not wanting to talk a lot lately. Writing is more of a comfort and seems to better capture the nuances of what I’m feeling.

Healing is a dance as life is a dance. I often tell my clients something similar. Sometimes we just need to sit in the silence between words you know? There are things happening. I recently went through a period of excruciating purification, and the word ‘purification’ is one I arrived at having tried to explain and explain my experience to people and not really being able to explain the inexplicable. Until I came across this word. And still I often leave the word sitting between us without further explanation, because it’s just too much for most people to comprehend. What I went through just happened, and it was powerful, and there were tears and memories and release, and now I am in a place of great peace. My experience of that experience, in my memory, is all darkness and light, movement and shadow, visceral pain, and unexplained bodily symptoms and yet I know I moved something large from my unconscious. What do they say, that something like only 30% of reality is able to be perceived? That most of reality is hidden to the naked eye?

Anyway, I have no idea how I found you on here as I’m new to this platform and only started writing on here this week, but I’m very grateful that I have !

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Oh Michelle, if you knew what your share mirrors for me. And of course you know. The next breadcrumb appears at just the right moment.

If you ever want to talk to another who cannot name the something large that moved by an incomprehensibly large hand, who could never comprehend purification until now -and I am still dripping with afterbirth. Bless your journey.

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This is a fascinating read. Thanks for sharing.

Reason and/or it's counterparts have come at a price.

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Thank you for reading Julie. There is much to unravel, un-know.

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Thank you, Shira. This brought tears to my eyes. Tears of deep recognition. I am more drawn to the somatic, the spiritual, the felt senses. It can be difficult to live in a world where everything is analyzed and explained to death.

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You are welcome. It's such nuanced territory. Overall we have been desensitized and continue to numb ourselves. and yet the seeker, the curious innocent, is a must on the human path- the key word being innocent vs. ignorant. Bless you on your journey sister.

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